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The Area 18 Archives Display and Repository is located inside the Treasure Valley AA Intergroup Central Office at 1111 S. Orchard St. in Boise.

It is open to visitors during regular business hours Monday through Friday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. & Saturdays 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.

“It is a wonderful and well-preserved collection. This is not a spotty collection of a few items, but a comprehensive and cohesive archives collection that will serve Area 18 for centuries – and archivists like to think in terms of centuries, as far as preservation is concerned.”

Amy Filiatreau GSO Archivist,
October 6, 2006 review of the Area 18 Archives

The Idaho Area 18 Archives is supported financially by the Area 18 fellowship and by visitor contributions: in keeping with the 7 th tradition we do not accept donations from sources outside of Alcoholics Anonymous.

All materials are cared for to the best of our abilities, to ensure they will be available for future generations. Anonymity of AA members, both living and deceased is protected in accordance with Traditions 11 and 12.

The Archives does not buy or sell collection items. Types of materials appropriate for donation to the Archives include: District meeting records, meeting schedules, personal – group – District histories, group and function flyers or memorabilia, personal correspondence, tapes and records, Big Books and Conference Approved books or literature, books that influenced our co-founders, recovery pamphlets, newspaper and magazine articles about AA, publications and memorabilia from assemblies,


AA conferences and International Conventions.

Idaho Area 18 Archives is looking for your group histories to preserve the story of AA in Area 18. Submit Yours now!
Archives Group History Form

For more information contact your local  Area 18 AA Archives Rep at

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