Email TAC West at:
Idaho Area 18 TAC or Treatment/Accessibilities/Corrections Committees serve all of Southern Idaho and Ontario, OR. TAC consists of two areas: TAC East and TAC West. TAC East and TAC West are also know to have sub-committees to better serve remote or more populated areas.
TAC coordinates the flow of information and activities pertaining to carrying our message to alcoholics in mental institutions, hospitals, alcoholic treatment and rehabilitation facilities, and correctional institutions. (Idaho Area Delegate 18 of Alcoholics Anonymous Service Structure Guidelines.) Activities of the committee and its sub-committees include but are not limited to: conducting meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous in Hospitals, Corrections and Treatment facilities, serving the alcoholic who is being released from a facility by taking them to their first few AA meetings on the “outside” and providing correspondence to alcoholics on the “inside”. The committee works to ensure that every alcoholic, regardless of any barrier such as those who may be hearing-, visually-, or speech impaired, those who are physically challenged, wheelchair bound, homebound or developmentally disabled, have access to the message of alcoholics anonymous.
“Cooperation with the professional community is an objective of AA and has been since our beginnings. We are always seeking to strengthen and expand our communications with you, and we welcome your comments and suggestions. They help us to work more effectively with you in achieving our common purpose: to help the alcoholic who still suffers.” ( Pamphlet P-46 ‘If you are a Professional…’ )
Please refer to the Area18 Map to see if your area is served by either TAC East or West.
If you have questions about TAC in the Treasure Valley area visit:
Email TAC East at: